Let go or be dragged : Nick, this is your mother speaking

Let go or be dragged

by Denise Novaky on 08/15/13

Nick, this is your mother speaking:

We made a memorial at the place where you and Neil ascended beyond the physical .

We convened there.  We planted flowers. We talked there and found solace. 

Then, someone took it away from us.

I shouted. I lamented. I sobbed. I planned. I chastised. I shouted (again).

Then, I stopped, sat back, and thought,

"You can hang on tightly, so tightly, but lose your spirit."

"Let go or be dragged," I remembered. 

 Let go of the offense. 

Let go of the insult. 

Let go of the struggle.  


 don't grip until the joints in your hands are hardened

 and your heart matches.

Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible.--Abraham Lincoln

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. --Lao Tzu

We will convene at another place and plant flowers and find solace.  We will persevere. We will convene. We will have happy memories. We will not grip.

It will be easy and natural.

How deeply did you learn to let go?   --The Buddha.

I am, forever, your mother and that of your brother, Ben.


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